Feed Barn

The Feed Barn is a very hard building to find any photos of. This photo shows in the upper left the Brooder Barn, and the Feed Barn is in the middle on the right side. The taller, Barber style building with the chimney is the Squabery Manager's Home.

The Feed Barn was used to hold the chicken, duck, and pigeon food for the various departments located near it. The Feed Barn is an unusual building in that it is now built in the Beaux Arts, or Barber style of architecture. The Feed Barn is built of solid brown block and does not support a red tile room. Initially you would think that the Feed Barn was built prior to the development of the definitive Anna Dean Farm architectural style, however this is not true. The Feed Barn was built in 1910, and supports a date stone on the East side of the building in the gable underneath the lunette window.


  Copyright 2001 Barberton Historical Society.  Anna Dean Farm is a registered Trade Mark TM of the Barberton Historical Society, all rights reserved.